Friday, March 29, 2013

Fashion Friday!!

So it totally looked way better on but These are the pics i have!!
Hope you guys have a fabulous weekend!

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Hair Crisis!!

Hey There!

I know I talked about this last week but I am still stressing over my spring/­­summer color!! I am turning into a summer color pyscho! To make it worse I am hoping to get it done next tues or wed! I am always super concerned because

A.)    I have olive skin
B.)    My hair is a curly fro
C.)    My hair always turns copper!
D.)   I want it to look nice. I get criticized enough as is!!!

So right now this is what I narrowed it down to

What do u guys think? Yes, No, should I add more options?

If you like it what do u think will work best with my skin and hair!!

Have a fabulous Thursday!!

PS. I do not know why i have a white background going on???

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Yoga & More

Hey There cuties!!

Happy Hump day!! So While looking for what I wanted to do for how pinteresting Wednesday, and Shanna said so, I ran into this!

I have been thinking about trying yoga on the days I am not running! Have any of you tried it, if so what do you think of it? I hear that it’s great for relaxation and toning! Which I could use since I’m running for stamina, I think yoga would be good for a relaxation work out! What do you guys think! Some of these poses seem pretty weird but if it helps me relax I’m all over it. I am kind of nervous about starting to do it so I think I am going to buy a DVD first and then if I like it then I will try a class!!

Here are a some more Pins that i loved!!  

I could use this!! SOOO Ready for spring!!

We are really into mens fashionin our house hold right now!! what do u think of white pants on guys!

I LOVE this!! will have to remember for when i have girls!!



PS! my coworker gave me this idea to hold my necklaces!! I cant wait to try it!!!

Remember to link up!!  

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Help please?

Hey Guys

So today I decided to just dedicate today post to questions I have but can’t seem to answer!! Does that ever happen to you?! So I figured hey, I need advice and have tons of fabulous people that are willing to give me some so why not take it?  Sorry that these questions are kind of all over the place from beauty to life but what can I do I have a lot of questions so…Let the questions begin

  I have been using the Estee Lauder double wear foundation since Christmas and I truly love it. The only thing I don’t like is that it does not control my oil and I have been getting a lot of acne since. Have any of you had this problem with it. If so what have you found helpful? Right now my foundation process is, I prime, use the foundation, and then a matte oil control powder.

Most of you know that I have started running! I am getting to the point where I am starting to like it. The only thing I had been having a hard time with in my lung capability, since I have asthma. For all you runners does this ever get better? Is there a way you can train your lungs so that do you don’t feel like you are dying because u can’t breathe?  (Hope this is not a dumb question) Also are there any really good running shoes you recommend? I’m currently using the Nike lunar and like them I’m just wondering about shoes and gear!

What or where do u go for motivation when you feel like you are getting know where in your diet? I have been working out for over two months and people say I look great but I just don’t feel it? Is there anything that helps you guys when you feel like this? Besides a therapist!!
For my girls with curly hair what are some of your favorite products on the market right now? I like soft curls not crunchy!!

I am looking for a pair of nice skinny jeans in white! I need them to be stretchy because I have such a curvy body!! In a true size 14!  Do you guys have any recommendations on where to look?! I tried American eagle but I didn’t like the ones I got!! Im willing to pay up to 70 since I know I will stain these easily!

I am looking for a DIY necklace holder idea to carry my necklaces!  Any ideas or should I say have you seen anything cute and effective o pinterest?

Well I guess I should stop asking questions huh!! If any of you have advice for me it would be greatly appreciated!!  Thank you for taking the time to read all these!! I'll leave you with this

A pretty view during my run yesterday before i hit the part where snow was drifting!! will spring ever be here? 

Thats' enough B*!%&@^%! and moaning for the day!!

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Monday, March 25, 2013

its Monday

Happy Monday!! Today I am going to be lazy and let the pictures to the talking because I was super busy all weekend!!  In a short summery thought my weekend was causally fun!! Enjoyed it but it was nothing out of the ordinary!! Shall we start?

Couldn't agree more!! 

He is so handsome!! 

Yummy Coldstone!

Fridays outfit!!

Made some yummy puertorican food on sunday evening

Breakfast sunday morning!! nutella french toast is our fave!!

Work Saturday!! I am loving all the bright colors
Found this fabulous skirt for ten dollars on Friday! 

I hope you guys all had a fabulous weekend!! Oh i am thinking about having a blog sale on clothes what do you guys think! i already have some of the stuff listed on facebook if interested you can check them out Here!

See you guys tmrw!!

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Friday, March 22, 2013

& The Winners Are...

Hey guys!!

Happy Friday!! Today I am just doing a quick post to let you guys know who the winners of the giveaway are.  First I want to say thank you to everyone who entered and has been supporting my blog since I started it!! I really appreciate each and every one of you for all of yoursupport!!

For the giveaway we ended up doing five winners and the winners are…

Katelyne Moen
Nikki 'Bloch' Bohlin
Charmin Silva
Lauren Hochleutner
Ashley Babb

For the winners we are going to be emailing you because we will need your address to ship out your prizes.

If you didn’t win today I am going to try to host another big giveaway within the next couple months! So stay tuned!! Plus I am going to be teaming up with a couple of my favorite etsy stores just for you! so I can’t wait to share with you guys on that soon also!! I hope you all have a great weekend!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Mr. Hottie McHott Stuff!

Happy Thursday!! I cannot believe how fast this week has gone by!! Maybe it’s because I had two days off this week but still Wowzaaa! SOOO I haven’t even truly done a weekend update this week, so I guess this post has a little to do with what we did over the weekend! This past weekend we left town and headed to Des Moines Iowa for the weekend! While in Iowa we attended a church conference, did some shopping, ate yummy food but most of all we truly enjoyed each other’s company!  Sometimes is just so nice to get out of town and be Mr. and Mrs. Tarin!

Before we left town Stevan decided to get a very much needed hair cut! That boy I tell you, it’s night and day comparison after he gets a haircut! After he got home I decided to tell him that. I love my husband don’t get me wrong but while in this marriage we have both have gotten way to comfortable with each other especially with how we dress. So we both decided that we would try to look better. While out shopping this weekend instead of going crazy for all the stuff I wanted I decided to take a step back and actually spend the day styling him (I did have to make a few pit stops, the loft was having great sales). I decided that we were on a fashion mission until we found the perfect outfit. Something that I liked but he felt good and comfortable in!! Luckily the mission was accomplished!  We went to all the stores anyone would go to, Express, J. Crew, Gap but to our surprise we put the outfit together from American Eagle and Yonkers!! 

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It honestly amazing me how much of a good time we had together that morning at the mall! We usually both end up leaving the mall cranky me because I didn’t find want I needed and because he had to watch me try on 947538485 outfits! But that morning went so well and even better I felt amazing at night because I know that I had a hot and handsome husband that looked and actually felt good about himself!!  You usually find him in jeans and a sweater or his work clothes, so it was nice to have him a little dressed up. He was all smiley it was nice to know that he felt good! So here is my handsome hubby!!

And here is a picture of him yesterday morning!! as much as i love seeing him look cute i cant deny hes a cutie in his work clothes!! even though hes pretty groggy here!!

I am honestly so blessed to have this wonderful man in my life! he makes me want to be a better verision of myself everyday! He loves and support mes no matter what!! no to mention that he gets up at 5 am everyday to go to work!! If your reading this I love you babe!!!  And since love is sweet Here is a picture of our yummy and sweet dessert that we mostly me had Saturday night!!

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Color me Light!

Happy first day of spring!! Even though I’m super sad that its spring and we are still having ice storms, I wanted to get in the springy mood! Come this time of year I always need change in my life! I am sick of the snow, wearing bulky clothes and I am just ready for bright colors and pretty dresses!! Anybody with me on that? When i want to add some change to my life I always do something with my fro! So yesterday night I spent my evening on Pinterest trying to find my  perfect summer hair color!! As much as I am scared to dye my hair (I don’t do good with hair change) I am truly ready for it! I love my red-violet ombre but I have had it for like six month, which is pretty long for a statement color.  Not to mention that I haven’t had light hair color in ages!! Don’t worry yall I’m not going Beyoncé blonde, I am thinking about a nice brown! After two hours on pinterest this is what I came up with… My favorite are the first two.

Which ones do you guys like? I could use all the input possible!! Remember to link up with these great blog hops and don’t forget to enter the giveaway (HERE)!! It ends tonight!!

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